Folks often ask me how to clean their laptops.  Those who don’t often end up with laptops that looks kinda like this poor little Sony Vaio from the Vista era.

Sony Vaio Laptop How to Clean

White laptops, like white clothing, may look great when clean, but sure do show the dirt. So how does one clean their dirty, dirty laptop? All you need is some multi-purpose cleaner, a paint brush or tooth brush, a lint-free rag and some kind of fine glass cleaner.

Laptop Cleaning Supplies

I like to clean the screen using this lens cleaning solution I get from Scott Coburn Optical in downtown Guelph, though any kind of fine glass cleaner will do.

Laptop Screen Cleaning Solution

And I particularly like this bottle of Duz cleaner, for obvious reasons.

Multi Purpose Cleaner for Laptop

With a few light spritzes across the keyboard area and some scrubbing with the toothbrush, most of that ugly filth gets removed from this lovely white machine.

Sony Vaio Clean

So if you’ve got a dirty dirty laptop, all you need are these items to get it nice and shiny again. Or, bring it by Tools and Tech, and I’ll make it nice and pretty for you.

Thanks bunches for reading!