On this beautiful, sun-shiney spring day a kind-eyed lady came in with an unusual request.
“I make honey,” she informed me. “Well, I guess technically the bees make the honey. Anyway, I need a small fan that I can put into a honey box I made from an old meat smoking box that I have at home. Someone told me a computer fan would be perfect. Do you have any?”
“Indeed I do!” I answered as I popped out of my seat and grabbed my tub of used PC desktop fans and heat sinks. I pulled out a 90mm one and handed it to her. “That small enough?”
“It’s perfect,” she responded with a smile as she analyzed the wiring. A look of puzzlement came across her face as she noticed the 3-pin motherboard header connection. “But how would I plug it in?”
“Hmm…” I pondered. “Well, I can sell you a computer with a motherboard into which you can plug that fan, and you can keep it beside your honey box…or, we can splice it up with one of the loose power adapters I have kicking around here. One is bound to work.”
“That second option sounds more ideal,” she said with a smile. “How much will it run. I don’t want to break the bank.”
“I got the fan out of a recycled desktop computer, and the power adapter is from a dead router, so I tell you what: I’ll do you $10 for the whole thing.”
“That’s wonderful!”
“Fabulous! I’ll take your info and call you when it’s ready.”
So I noted her digits and went hunting for the right power adapter.
Now, when splicing together a fan like this, you want to check the labels for the voltage and amperage ratings. Ideally you want to match them exactly.
As luck would have it, a nearly perfect one was sitting right on top of the pile. Rated for 12 volts, 1 amp. That’s far more amperage than we need, but higher amps in a rig-up like this is not going to cause any harm.
With all the necessary parts acquired, it was now time for ye old strip-and-splice!

Alas, work has not been plentiful as of late, which is unpleasant in many ways. However it does give me the time to go that extra mile. Usually for only $10, what you’d get from a tech is a simple splice, done by twisting the cables around each other, then covering it up with electrical tape.
But with things being as slow as they are, I decided to take the extra time to break out the soldering gear and do it proper.

So with my soldering iron, a set of helping hands, a touch of Kolophonium-based flux and a couple dabs of solder, I soldered the cables together good and strong.
“Nothing’s too good for a sweet, sweet honey box,” I figured.
Then I wrapped the exposed wires with some electrical tape and plugged it in for it’s final test.

And we have fan spin!
Ain’t electronics grand?
Thanks bunches for reading.